For our Neighbors
Explore a wealth of resources and services tailored to enhance the quality of life for Webber-Camden residents—discover what our neighborhood has to offer!
Welcome to Webber-Camden, where community resources and programs are designed to enhance your quality of life. Explore our neighborhood's offerings and discover the support and activities available to you!
We offer various housing assistance programs including downpayment assistance, revolving rehab loans, emergency grants, and senior deferred loans.
For more information, contact WCNO’s partner, Community Energy & Environment at 612-335-5884 or visit
YOuth Programs
Join the Northside Youth Council, where youth participate in leadership workshops, personal development sessions, and community civic projects. Meetings are held twice a month at Webber Park.
Out-of-School Time Activities Enjoy our out-of-school time programs offering sports like 3:3 basketball and kickball, arts, skill-building workshops, community activities, and fun outings.
For more details, contact Marco at
Student Placement Center
Receive reimbursements for safety equipment purchases such as cameras, reinforced doors, locks, etc., up to $250 through our Equity in Safety program.
Contact Patricia Deinhart-Bauknight at or 612-521-2100 for more information.
Become a member of WCNO's board of directors and contribute to community leadership and development.
Contact Patricia Deinhart-Bauknight at or 612-521-2100 to learn more about this rewarding opportunity.